A Retelling of Life


The hammering goes on in the next room.  A noisy reminder of how life is a cacophany of sounds.  Like the little boy in August Rush, I have moments when events seem to be set to a musical score.  Some days are magical, a “Walking on Sunshine” kind of day when everything goes well and some days are set in haunting melancholy.

Yesterday, was  a day of victory.  My mom’s PET scan results confirm that she is cancer-free!  I still get teary-eyed when I think of that..”cancer-free”, “cancer-survivor”, these are words are family has been waiting for since that very first day when she was diagnosed with Hodgkins.  It was a “Hallelujah” kind of day.

I write again to express my deep gratitude to our Lord.  I do not know why some survive cancer while some don’t.  That is the mystery of God’s plan for us all.  What I am certain of is this:  the Lord still has a lot of plans for Mommy and for our family.  I now bear witness to the Lord’s mercy and compassion, to the fact that trials are blessings in disguise.  Our family has emerged stronger in faith and in love.  We have sought different ways in dealing with the Big C in the family but all those ways have led us to the realization that in the end, after all the medical treatments, we have one God to turn to, our Divine Healer.

I thank Mama Mary for interceding for Mommy.  After all these years of Christian Doctrine, I now appreciate Mama Mary fully as the Mother of Jesus.  My mom has always looked to Mary as inspiration, and I see in my mom, the great faith, selflessness and humility that exemplified Mama Mary and endeared her to her son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

I pray that the Lord will use me to do His good work on earth.  I am ready Lord.  Thank you for this crazy, beautiful life. Amen.

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