A Retelling of Life

Archive for July, 2010

At Work on a Saturday Morning

I went to the office purposely to work, the boyfriend isn’t here so I’m thinking I have time to wade through the increasing volume of files on my desk. An hour later, I’m still browsing through pages of useless information and my work remains unfinished.

In other words, my spirit is willing but my mind is not. I’m coming down with a cold. Not the quiet cold but the kind that makes you go into sneezing fits. Oh well, that’s just another excuse to procrastinate. I have merely a week to wade through all this but I’m still taking my dear sweet time. Once again I find myself turning to Him, praying that I’ll finish in time. I guess I’ll never get over wanting drama in my work. How else can I explain this consuming need to wait til the last minute to feel the intense passion to work (and work fast)? I have been blessed so far because the Lord has always been there for me, prodding me on and inspiring me when the “burning the midnight oil” days visit. I have a feeling that those days will be here next week. It’s time for me to get ready to beat the deadline again. =) Thank you Lord for everything. Amen.


I am in the process of writing a memorandum. This is the period of inception..the beginning of something. I imagine the memorandum. I visualize the words I’ll be using, the ideas and arguments I’ll be developing, the laws I will cite to emphasize my point. I am creating a blueprint in my mind. This is what inception is in my world.

I gave up lunch to watch Inception and was blown away by the images of collapsing cities, never-ending stairs, and crumbling walls. It felt like an ode to the joys of imagination. While I think I am a decent writer, I am honest enough to admit that I lack imagination. I am a conformist. I do what is expected of me without anyone telling me too. Thus, I am hampered by a lack of courage to try new things, to come up with new ideas. I will turn 30 in November. Everyday, I feel differently about the live I’ve led so far. Some days, I worry that I was too cautious in living, that I was too much of thinker ( that I should have done all the crazy stuff while I could still blame it on my youth) while some days I feel proud of the way I’d pushed beyond the boundaries that my cautious self had put up. It’s been a great journey so far. With the Lord’s help I’ve managed to check the items off my first “to do list” in a span of 6 years.
I am psyched to enter the third decade of my life. This is the start of even greater things. Bless me Lord that I may live the life you want for me. Amen.


I’m not sure why I accepted the job. I’m just hoping that in my own way, I am helping K find its way. I hope that my five years as a lawyer and my 29 years of living have given me the necessary skills to guide impressionable young leaders traverse the rocky path of student life.

My Second Day as Full Fledged Driver

Driving takes skill. That is something I realized few days into my renewed relationship with driving. I felt deep appreciation and love for all the people in my life who’ve been my constant drivers.

Yesterday, after a month’s time of summoning pure gut, I finally found the courage to drive to work and back home alone (well not really alone coz we were driving through a convoy). I am now released from being an eternal passenger.
Today is the second day in my life as a driver. It is early days yet. I pray for your guidance Lord. Bless me as a go on traversing the roads of Bacolod..and the road of life. =)

I Did It Again

I’m sorry for letting my exasperation get the best of me. All day Lord I practice patience, but somehow as soon I get home, my control evaporates…the littlest things bug. Bless me Lord that I may make the most of my time with my family. Help me that I may value them as I should. Bless me Lord, help me be the change you want me to be. Amen.

Driving as an Art Form

After a week of rest from driving, I faced the busy commute of Bacolod today. Little did I know that a near traumatic event would be the cause for me beginning to believe in myself. I have never driven alone before. Always, I have been dependent on others to do the driving for me, so much so that even when I am on the driver’s seat, I wait for instructions from my boyfriend, my mom, my dad or my brother to tell me what to do.

Today, I tried to overtake a trike and in the attempt almost sideswept a passerby. I thank you Lord for blessing me today. I didn’t panic and just pushed the brake. Thank you Lord for delivering me from harm and from causing harm to others. Bless me that I may learn to drive well and drive safe. Amen.

To live well…

“The advantage of living is not measured by length, but by use; some men have lived long, and lived little.” Bless me Lord that I may live well. =)